
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think that there should be a regular post. So, expect some fresh stuff at Wednesdays and Saturdays. But probably, more posts will be at Saturdays. Yanno- free day, after all. Anyway, life's is going on. Today, at 16:44 I have train, and I'll be able to visit my home, after over month long absence there. My, my, I'm so happy with that.
So many weird things occur to me, as you'll see in comics.
Oh, and feel free to leave a comment under post. You don't need to be registered here. I'd be really gratefull for some feedback. 

So, let the another post here begin!

Nosebleeding is for twats

Yup. I was bleeding from ear. And feeling like shit, my head ached badly like never before.. At first I thought that I just badly scratched inside it, but after close examine, it was mixed with a fluid and had a bit of water like consistence. Oh well. If it occurs again, I'll start to worry. I have tendency for occasional nosebleeds, but that was kinda odd.



Yet, this happened to me yesterday, I was walking my way to the University, and went near college of Biology and Environmental Protection. And there was a group of males, who were standing in front of it, and loudly debating about something. The amazing thing was that all of them were wearing protective aprons, and it looked just awesome. When I was passing by, the debate just gone quite, and group looked at me. That was just awkward moment. 

I think they'd love to do some experiments on miss E, since she's a mix of human and a cat. WHAT SCIENCE HAS DONE.


Jade Cocoon minions.

Because I always will love this game and it's creatures. Arpatron, Jirahl and Mardreg, my favourite minions. Oh, it would be awesome to see this in HD version, or remake (JC2 just sucked, since whole magic of game was hidden in merging).  In my style, a bit cartoon stylized.

Eclipse once again

Another fan-art. I''ll never get bored while drawing him. Also Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age FTW.
Playing with the colours, and style, and shit. To lazy to finish him, so have his head, lulz.


And another dragon

Demons and dragons. Demonical Dragons. Oh my. 
I named him Huziel/Huciel, and you can see him also here.


Heartless Wyvern from Kingdom Hearts

I'm thinking about putting this at my DeviantArt gallery, as a lineart for sale. I don't feel like colouring it, yet I don't want to give it freely... Dilemmas, dilemmas...

So, that's all for today's post.
Oh, and one more thing:
I won't whine, when somebody else puts my work at his site (from time to time, I'm checking where my works are, besides dA, and, oh wow, actually people like to "share" them, especially my comics). It's fine by me, as long as you don't erase water mark/ signature. And of course, until you claim that work is all done by you.

Miss E84~

PS: I love my friends <3

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