
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beating drums

se8Because it is Saturday already! (I wanted to be punctual, yanno).

Having not too much time to sit and draw something fresh (one colloquium down, but there are still 3 to go) I decided to look through old files... And I found some nice pictures, which I never finished, and most of them are in state of line art. (Well, I like black&white works, anyway).
December is coming. 
Christmas and stuff. Well, in Łódź, the Christmas atmosphere started right after 2nd of November... It's kinda scary, when I thinking about that.... But I'll hold complaints for myself.
Oh, and snow. I love it ♥

Ok, that's all of chit-chat. Onto the pictures~
PS: Please, look at the poll at the bottom!


 Fringe calendar.

This is the best method of counting down the days left till visiting home. The longer fringe the closer day of homecoming. Best method ever.


In your face.

Erm, ignore the title, please. Couldn't think of anything more constructive.I was practising how to draw face.Well. I cannot tell if I like the result. But it's face of Braig, so I like it anyway, lol.


 Trio from Marnerii Plains+ one little fucktard.
Characters for comic of my idea. I really want to draw it, but it seems to be impossible (Oh, the lack of motivation, I hate thee). I'll probably make an separate post dedicated to it, but when? I dunno.
Cedric is at my gallery, here. But characters of Julius and Trevor still are waiting to be finished. Small info about them:
Julius- Chieftain of Marnerii, likes his pipe (He smokes it whenever he is sad/has problems, so it is his meter of mood). Wise, fair, kind hearted. A gramps from dreams
Trevor- He was the Blacksmiths Chief, when Marnerii was still making weapons. Due to working in high temperatures, he lost most of his hair on head (lol). Grumpy and sarcastic, always tends to contradict Cedric and Julius ideas.


Cedric sucks as a babysitter
Seriously, I wonder what Cedric was thinking when he accepted to take care of lil' Eclipse.
She has a bad habit of catching beards, even while being asleep. Cedric, you poor thing.


Why so confident?

I tried to draw a female face according to MihaChan's instructions when I was p-chating with her (I love it!). Adding eyelashes equals +10 to being female.
I failed.
Again. And Eclipse sucks at being female.


Fighting with Styx (early concept)

Would you ever guess that Styx was supposed to be a creature who lives underground? You wouldn't.
Digging+ living underground kinda collides with fact of having big eyes. So Styx is now a water-snakeish monster.


Fog eater

A project of an another creature.
It reminds me heartless from KH series.


Another lion with mane made of flames

Actually I have more plans about this fella, but- it's a secret. If you look closely at its scars (marked with greyish colour) and whiskers you'll know to whom this lion refers to.


And something nice for an end.

That's all folks~ Thanks for paying a visit!


Miss E84

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