
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Written on Clouds.

Hello, dear mates~

First of all thank you for this:
I really appreciate it, even if I don't deserve it. For general absence and lazy-ass commenting ;_;

From some time I go to sleep really late. 3-4 and recently 6am are the hours where I force myself to go to sleep. But even in bed it takes me some time to fall asleep. The funny thing is- I don't drink coffee nor have stresses (for) now. Today I don't have much to show you, a little lack of time to sit and draw something better. But! I've managed to do two screenshot like works. Which will be show later.

I'm hopeless warrior.
Sometimes I wonder why I keep on moving, or perhaps- what keeps me still in motion.
At times I feel really lonely...
Eh, better if I give up writing such things. Never mind.

Well, shall we? Though- not much to see today.
I guess I made up only for update sake.
That's one Hell's Granny. 
This is Granny of Revu (Onirke's chara), With her cat Herr Mutt. A slight reference to certain Legendary Grandma, that one of our friend has. A small request.
Love Lives

Well, in meanwhile I cannot sleep I've worked on that two pics.
Took me 3 days to finish it (and find a motivation to do so). Welp, this two pictures demand a little more words.
First of all, it's a reference to this song . Also used its lyrics for pseudo-subtitles.
Secondly- They're fighting as you can see. The motive is that:
Xig got thrown thru window and E jumped right behind him. So- the background at Xig's scene is the ground (could be kinda hard to tell, no?), and E's the Skyscraper (the one they were fighting in).
Third thing:
Every time I draw E really angry and in demon from, the odd things start to occur. Starting from sound crack in headphones, to fucked up Photoshop work (2 times at row it had reset itself onto default. Run Time Library error showed for the first time ever). I still remember what happened to poor ol' Flash file. Something matters.
Or perhaps it's just really not random accident, and a prank played by my laptop. (Yeah. Sure.)
But when E is only in Demon form minus any furious state she could be, everything runs smoothly.
What is this I don't even.

Not so Bonus Bonanza:
 "Calm down, I got this"
Yup, it's E's model, waiting to get textured and rigged. I'm going to use her to do animation and get mark from exercises at Uni. When I make it, I'll share it with you all.

And that's all for today, folks.
I go to try to sleep.

Hugs and kisses for all! I love you guys <3

1 comment:

  1. OMG you got so many page views xD... huray? Yeah! Great Success!
    Xig looks like Brain and you must be Pinky... not much linke pinky, it's scary ;0. Modeling... oh yeah ;/
