
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Feeling like puzzle

...I cannot find my missing piece.

Hello again.
I'm here, then I'm again gone. Probably at July I'll come back at deviantart, to clean up the mess in my inbox. Sorry for keeping you waiting, and asking you to wait a little more. Rarely though, I show up to leave a comment at friends works or fav something. And that's probably all I do within past 8 months at my gallery. The counter at message centre had hit magical 5,000 messages. Oh, I'm such lazy ass.

About studies- I'm fighting for a good notes, learning like never, and going crazy due to sleepless nights and poor health condition. But-how they say- If something doesn't kill me, it'll strengthen me. I have high hopes for homecoming in the next week. Even for a few days, to catch breath, and see with my dearly missed parents and friends (though, I'll have to prepare for an exam which will be on 27th, so perhaps it's not a good idea at all). Also- I hope there won't be September Campaign, because of failed programming (Fuck you, ADA).

From other things... Mixed feelings. I'm longing for some nice hug. There are days that I feel completely broken down, when I'm all alone in dorm. I'd like to say something out loud, something that keeps my heart in grasp and doesn't leave. Hurts like hell. Besides I'm not sure that if I tell "that" to a certain person would change anything (well, perhaps it'll change only into something worse and would make hurt even more). But I really need to do it. It walks way to long after me, I guess it's high time to pull myself together and start doing things the way they should be done.

Oh, many thanks for dear MihaChan. You probably don't know, but drawing and spending time with you keeps me moving on. I'm really grateful for that. I'm looking forward to see you someday. Also special thank you goes to friend from Uni, Kitabake for a great support and time spent on learning and doing some various stuff in free time. (You should hit me with that shovel of yours for real. Maybe it would help?)
And to my Zorza; Zoziu! I hope that everything will get better soon! I'm keeping crossed fingers for you to get good notes from exams and finally stop stressing about everything. There is always sun after the storm.
Also hope that miss Luna gets cool result from matura. Screw the maths! You'll get more than that 30%. I know  that.

That's all for "speaking about nothing using lots of words".
Now serving: dessert.
"Freedom for boobies"
A comic requested by friend for a FaceBook event. I thought I'd share it with you. The idea of a girl who runs into a castle to save poor titties was his idea, I only drew it.

In black and white
My recent notice about drawings with E?
I draw her naked... Probably nice for a male viewers.

Fighting with Vaanga
It started with a random doodle of a snakeish monster, and ended at E fighting with it. In some coming post I'll write a little more about her (Vaanga is a girl, lul).

No, I didn't do that.
Drew in oC, before the session with Mihachan. Who knew, that E is capable of sharing such amount of love?
Nobody. Even I didn't knew.

Demon Eclipse destroys files

An interesting thing occurred. I managed to draw E in her full, final demon form... And what happened? The file got corrupted (no shit, seriously). What is funnier- the picture with Vaanga (the one above) didn't got broken like this one, even though they were drawn in the same session. Odd thing happen to Flash when I try to recover this file or do anything. But only with this file. The rest is good. Pity, because the picture was one of those pictures I was content with. So, you have here a sample what destructive power has E  in final form (lol).

FurFurFurret Friendship
A Furret of Miha's, and a Demon of mine. A very unlike friendship. Anyway, I like those two together.

One more soul to the call
A head- shot of Nameless Demon (which is not Nameless any more, because now has name Harsha, thanks for ze name goes to MihaChan~).

BlenderRender madness
A project for CG exercises. Only a 4 shots, since I was lazy to make a file with all 10 renders. As for a first time with Blender... Can be. I had a lot of fun with making this room. (Don't ask why it is an underwater room.)

UVmapping Fail
I'm that kind of person who needs to do/learn things by myself. Without checking any tutorials. I'm such beginner with blender, that it makes eyes bleed. But I;mana fix it. 
One day.

Right round 

Total boredom. Found once a full animated set of moves that Xigbar does in KH, and after seeing how he spins one of his Sharpshooter, I HAD to do such thing. The credit for the animation goes to a person who ripped that out from a game. Thank you, whoever you are!

Space core and Xigbar (small Portal 2 crossover)
This had to be done- Xigbar would totally rule Portal 2.
(Sorry for a poor quality, it was drawn on FlockDraw. I promise to make a better version of it.)

Thank you for coming and for your time
Cheers, till next update.

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