
Monday, May 16, 2011

As time passes by

...I feel empty.
In all meanings. Almost a month of break between posts. I told you, that it was easy to foresee that I'd not keep with schedule. Pity that I always have high hopes. 

Modified the bottom of Paint Box again, please, take a look, maybe you'll find something interesting for you.

Anyway, recently I've been thinking about that OC, that Eclipse in which I represent myself. Almost everywhere. She'll be... Like 7 years old now? In the meaning of creation of course. Besides Gryfon, E is surely a lively character, I even thought about making an "evolution chart" for her... But all ended up on several sketches. Art block ate all my will to draw. And ADA too. Not to mention writing some stuff in C. Or preparation for Mathematical Analysis. But in-betweens I've made some dribbles, which traditionally will be presented later. Though I hope I'll do that chart for E... She had changed very much throughout years... And probably will continue to change. Well, I'll tell you a bit under the sketches.

From other things: I either dream of pregnant women or... Fluffy-nasty stuff. You know what I mean. The worse thing of such dreams is the moment you wake up. After such portion of "love", I'd surely like to see someone beside me. Well... I see, but there's a big difference between drawing and real person.
On the other side, I'm happy that I dream so much about him. Cheerful and sad at the same time.

There would be even more here, but I don't feel like writing today. There are so many things in my head now, that even I get lost. 

...Why I still believe in you? You don't even exits beside my dreams. 
Why do I still wait? For what? Though I know the answers, It's hard to accept such statements and live with them.

Well... Gotta keep on moving forward.

For better view, click on picture! Thank you.

Vajra from Gods Eater Burst EX

I fell in love with this big guy at the very first sight. Made while LiveStreaming. I want to have one as a pet, lulz

Because- never enough of lions with flaming manes.
My favourite subject to draw. The first one shows a cub, and an adult under it.

And I mean it. Even my pictures here have... Very suitable file names. Check it by yourself.

Because I love you.

Because I'd love to hug you someday, Miha.

Cedric doesn't approve.
...And E was always found of his cape. The best blanket ever, until Cedric comes and takes it away.

An another odd thing that I found.
Still dunno what it was about, but okay. I found it at Koda's gallery, and "borrowed" the idea.

The first version of Eclipse ever.
Yup. The first E was... a girl. That fluffy thing beside, was a precursor for E seen now. One of sketches for chart... And that Miss Fuffy wasn't any good, because of impish nature. At human form, E feared only not to change into the second form, since it provided lots of trouble to everyone around
...Or something alike that idea.I don't remember it precisely now, but yeah.

Funny thing- at the very beginning Eclipse was supposed to be a chimera of griffin, not a cat, lulz.

One of actual forms|Demon days.

The top sketch shows... That E is likely to be a bit fluffy. The fur was to be found at chest (between breasts), at elbows, buttocks, a little on stomach (short fur), on back (short fur like on stomach, along spine) and a little near ears where ear joins with jaw (usually it's hidden by hair).
The bottom one shows the "Darkness insignia" and their placement. The rune (the marking on left forearm) is on both forearms and... is a rune used to summon her weapon. 

Demon Days with horns
No, it's not a fur on her back, it's her hair.
As for horns- there were used to be more complex, but due that I'm a very lazy person to draw anything complex   one of them got broken, Lou (hell owner, who "officaly" made Eclipse a demon ) decided to redesign them into shorter and lighter horns. The rest of broken horn was used to strengthen the swords that E owns. Wololo.


Just for fun.
One untrue thing in this picture: Eclipse is not afraid of seeing horrors. She would be more scared if someone showed her the process of making a Peach Jam. Or a vet waving to her. Or little kids being all sweet and such.
It's funny to draw her as a scaredy cat though.


I'm spent. Sketches and dribbles made in SAI paint tool. Also:
Eclipse, Eclipse everywhere.

Hugs and kisses for my beloved friends ♥

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