
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

40K & 2K

Oh my. 
40K on deviantArt and 2K on Paint Box. Thank you for everything, mates. It wouldn't happen without you~
I guess it went so fast, because of certain comic in my gallery. Oh well. But I'm happy anyway. Seeing that magic 4 in front of pageview counter made me a bit proud, lulz.

Finally after looong month- homecoming. If everything goes right- I catch train on 16:00. Else on 18:00. I hope we won't have last exercises on Thursday. Everything is packed, all I need is to wait for tomorrow.

Well, about me and drawing- I'm mid artblocked recently. I'd love to draw something exciting, with a claw and more meaningful, since the warm and sunny weather makes me cheerful and full of energy to do something... But all my efforts  turn into shitworks. Tried even to draw a landscape (which I'll present to you later), but still I'm not satisfied.
Oh well. I guess, everyone needs a break from time to time.

Generally I spend most of my time with mates from uni. Last visit at Onirke's home was truly epic. That tuna- I'll remember it till end of my days, it was so friggin' tasty~ Oh and movie "Repo! The Genetic Opera" was good too. I cannot recall when I watched something that intriguing. I think I'm a lucky person to know such nice people in Łódź.
Thanks again for all, mates! For great support, great time and the funniest dialogues ever.

Well. That's all for today.
As for a physical condition I'm walking half dead. Lack of sleep makes me barely ride the bike, but still- I'm alive.
For now. Lulz.

And the promised picture of a landscape click on it for a full view)

Hugs and kisses for my beloved friends <3

1 comment:

  1. Hnnngh this landscape is awesome, you need to show it to your Mom <3
