
Sunday, March 6, 2011

On the turning way

I wonder why I title posts with the songs titles. 
Maybe because the song in the title gives a bit of the feeling that actually describes my mood atm? 
I dunno. But I know that today's post will be kind of long, maybe even boring. You can freely skip this part.

Latest events made me think about myself. 
The result of the thoughts?

1)  I'm really fucked up person.
And I mean it. Because, who in the earth would slowly destruct oneself when everything goes better than expected?
2) My assumptions toward the people who I met are 100% fucking accurate. No exceptions.
This strong instinctual feeling. Like some kind of prophet whose predictions always hit the red spot on dart board.

3) I should finally sit my ass down and start produce something more creative than itty-shitty dribbles.
Because hey- I have plenty of time and I waste it by combing  through internet or walking pointlessly around Łódź.

I feel angry at myself, but it's that kind of anger that turns easily into heart deep hurting sadness. 
Maybe it's because I had to put down my beloved degu? And I still cannot accept that I really took her there, to vet?
It's been a long while since I went there. But it comes back to me like 2 boomerangs, and hits straight into head and knees.

Or maybe because I'll turn 20? And I feel like I wasted another year of life? Since I nearly remember what happened in past year. 
It looked like some kind of empty dream, just like when you close your eyes and sail through darkness for a few seconds to wake up after few hours. 
Complete emptiness. 

The other thing that really bothers me, is the amount of scribbles that are mostly scribbles of Xigbar. Eventually E with or without him.
I dunno why, but it's nearly No, it is an obsession. A sweet lie to somehow survive the coldness here, the whole solitude 
that  accompany me from the very beginning of studying at Łódź. 
I'm looking for someone, for something, but the results are miserable (+ it has something to do the no.2 from Thoughts). 
I'm such retard. I act like complete dumbfuck.

In spite of such "dramas" and gallows thoughts, there are people who support me. 
I'm really grateful for that, for every kind word to cheer me up, for every minute of conversation. 
Thanks to you, mates, I still somehow maintain to ride the bike.
What would I do without you? I guess I'm really lucky for having such great people for a friends.

The last thing- DeviantArt. 
Maybe you believe or not, but I didn't checked my dA since 2nd February. Since that comic.
The main reason of being inactive for such long time is... my lack of motivation.
+Laziness and general despondency with the site.
I'm going to put a new work. Yes. One new work. Only one for now, since I haven't made anything more...
Well, more attractive.

But this time- I really start.

Oh, hoooo- so many words about nothing. 
So productive.

Well, now the dessert: Pictures.
Om nom nom.

Long post is long- tl;dr

Water snake god- Styx

Kinda I like him even more. His design was inspired by... My watch's strap. Kinda odd inspiration, but always something.


Apples and Oranges early concept

Yes, it's a title borrowed from Pink Floyd's song.
First concept. So many errors that make eyes bleed. Oh well. 
I finished similar picture to this, and it's the one that I plan to put at dA.


 Hawaiian Shirt that I'll never get
 I'd love to have one of such shirts. Red one with the orange flowers on it.
...Because I like very much certain kangaroo, from certain game. And he had such shirt on.


Noobyu. With E. 
I think Noobyu needs a better name.

Well... Sorry for small amount of pictures and shitload of text.
It won't happen again in nearly time. I promisse.

Hugs and kisses for:
Miha- you keep me from breaking apart. Thankies for great support, those countless hours spent at p-chatin and general help with the drawings.
And making a beautiful present for my birthday!
Comrade PuddiPuddi- well, you know the drift. For all those lulzy conversations and lots of hours on communicator.
Luna- because kicking ass, and listening music is not enough. For all those imagined completely absurd situations.
Zorza- I miss you so much. We talk so rarely, I hope we'll see soon when I come back!
Kitabake- You know too. For conversations about various things...  Good to have you at Uni.
BR- Because I miss you too! I hope we'll drink and eat something soon.

No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?

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