
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here, There and Nowhere.

That's how I exactly feel. I'm everywhere. And nowhere at the same time.
I thought that winter break will give me some free time to catch breath and get my mind go on right tracks. I was wrong.
Although seeing with friends and parents cheered me strongly. Gotta catch more of such "cheers" to have enough energy to survive another month away from home.
Well, still having 2 days before I go back to Łódź.

Kinda boring. All oscillates between homecoming and coming back to dorm to study. 
My life still looks like graph of f(x)=ctg x.

About my drawings? Nothing much. 
Although I feel like making small animated loops. It's a good sign. Still having some greater plans, but when I'll be able to realize them? Maybe at summer, on holidays. ..Whole animations. With music and colours. With everything. Good to have plans, anyway.

Wooo- a quite long introduction for a today's post. Okay, so now- Pictures. 
Probably the one and only good thing here.


Got a funny mail some days ago, about the thing mentioned in comic. But really... Do I look like someone who needs help in such thing? Heh.



Forgot to include this small thing at previous post. A situation which occurred while talking with MihaChan on Y!Messenger. When you don't know what to do...
SNF it.

Jumping rope

...Because I like skipping. A small training, as you can see. I'm amazed that I managed to make this on 8 frames.


This is how I learn logics

There's no other way to learn it.


Here comes the real hero.

He saves the princess, fights with stick. And is ugly as fuck. You know who I talk about- Gift.
Gift from... The Gift. Game by Cryo. I have a sentiment for this lil' guy. He's cute with his ugliness.
It's a pity that the game isn't well known. Or didn't got a sequel... *sigh*


Poor bug.

And an another fan art. Favourite things from this game: The watchman (That guy in front. As a kid I was really scared of him. Seriously. One look and you're dead!), bugs (The "Oh shi-" one). Lights/Darks (That guys on the left, chasing Gift). And of course Gift himself.

Bonus Bonanza:

The truest of truths.

Thank you for your time, and please come again~

PS: Hugs and kisses for my dearest friends <3

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