
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A wild update appears.

Oh look. An update. After 23 days. There should be at least.... 3 post more. I guess. Anyway-
Feeling quite mid-art blocked lately. All I do is either learning or sleeping. 

Aaah well. 12 days only, and I can go back to home for a week  (at least I hope so). It got really hard to withstand the urge of faster homecoming. But- SESJA.
I want to surviveeeee ;_;
I think... I need a hug.

These days were really unproductive in meaning of drawings. Although- I'll share some minor works.

And even two comics.
Let's jump onto the major point of our show- pictures.


Why such bad sight?

"Your aim sucks, you wouldn't even shot at elephant!"
Well, the slogan at this picture is completely random, I thought it would be suitable to Nameless' expression.


Playing with paint

Lions. For the win.
Just a speed-paint, wanted to try something out. However it's not what I wanted to achieve.


Ortalion - Project

Similar word-game, like at Dandelion. Could be used as a hidden boss, in game, or something.
Scissors as a front paws? Looks cash to me. A ball of yarn as a tail, which is used like flail? Why not. Needles in back? Metal jaw? What more could you get from plush and children friendly Ortalion? c;


You'll get what you want

...Straight into your face, dude.
And then Xigbar got hit.


Learing to long can make you even more brainless looking. I mean- E always looks like she doesn't use her brain at all.:I

 And my bear

 A request from Uni mate. To draw him. Yeaaaah, Ursarings for the win!

Your socks went bad.

Dunno how to translate this pun to keep with the meaning.
The idea turned out while talking with Puddi.

Reaction after long inactivity at DeviantArt.

I'll save replying and commenting for later, when I'll have some more time. Okay? 
Sorry mates ;_;

And something good a for an end:
Because when there's no Xigbar, there's no fun at all. 

Thanks for reading~

Till next update? 
Sorry again for keepin' out of schedule. ;_;

Special thanks for my mates: Zorza, Miha, Puddi, Luna, Jay and of course Kitabake (thanks for help in everything). Love you guys <3

Cheers mates <3



  1. This update rocks me from socks. Lion, lion, lion, 1st you and Ursaring with me ;> you know... i'm impressed. Sry for not knowing how to help you more. I would want to but still I'm so powerless even when I want to help and know how, just can't do. Wish you look on everything next time ;]

  2. forgot about last pic representing Xig, NICE. I would never thought Xig could look just as fine as this one :)

  3. Wrrrryyyyy.
    Nie mam nic do dodania.
