
Monday, June 17, 2013

Żegnaj, Laleczko

Xig Xiggity Xiggy Xig.

Goodbye, Xig, I hope you'll get a good ending.
Some old works. The last Xig was drawn on 2nd of May. Last Xig I've drew is the last sketchy, before the coloured works.

Other side of coin: Everyone lives pretty much on recent E3's show. To be honest, I've had much laugh too, especially looking at how Sony disses XBox One with game sharing and other things, like region blockade. Kinda looks suspicious if you think about it- Microsoft showed first their console, and while Sony watched a bit they decided to remove some of their politics, and perhaps to put it later (like region blockade. This one looks like a bit off, but that's my opinion.)
Still speaking of E3, and presented upcoming games, I didn't catch much hype on Kingdom Hearts 3 (I'll explain later), and all of my attention got new MGS5 not to mention Watch_Dogs and The Last Guardian (which wasn't shown, but still some information about it are on web, and good to know they didn't abandoned the project... yet).

After seeing KH3 teaser... Or much more like... How to say it- "A short video we made quick on the knee, because it's kind of awkward to keep fans of our game still in black asshole, and it's pretty cool to put words "Kingdom Hearts" on their mouth again"?
Everybody began to shit themselves like cute and adorable puppies.

Few remarks- as it was nice to see Sora pick up Eraqus' keyblade, but the teaser itself looked much blunt and empty. Quick pre-rendered scene and "so-said" the look of upcoming game.
Sora ridin' a wave of heartless? Why was Twilight Town still looking so empty? Also the graphics, if are for PS4, they weren't that much awesome.
And one thing I cannot regret- In FUCKING development. Seriously? This is how you treat fans? "Coming soon" gives much more hopes to see game quicker. In this case, we can even wait 3-4 years more (getting the idea that Square Enix is also making shitload of games in one time, I understand- several developing studios are working on each other project, but still...), but what are another years of waiting for (already waiting pretty long) fans? It's nothing.
Surely they will fuss and talk crap about it.
But they're gonna love it anyway, when it'll be out.

Still cool to see, they give any fuck about KH, yet while they did, they did it pretty much badly.
Son I'm dissapoint. Perhaps I'll change mind if I see anything better and more info about upcoming SE-Disney Game. For now- No.

I have few other words to spare, but not today.
Besides, who checks this site and reads the shit I write?

As they say-
Another post is in development.

Haha.My personal life is no matter to anyone now. I've became a Letter with two Digits. There's nothing else left for anybody to think. I've stopped to exist since beginning of 2013. What happened? Well. I've broke down. I've became a Letter with two Digits.