
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last semester's sketches

Title says all.
Water weaver
Maybe not sketch at all, and maybe not made during lectures. Good ol' times with lines. I still remember how to make'em. What is anatomy.
Metal Gear Solid: Snake's Sweater
I'd give my clothing
Not for honour, but for you!

Snaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Sweeeeeateeeeeeeer
At least he's not so naked now.
Sad snake is sad

Peace walker was fun to play. Famous quote from Metal Gear Awesome 2.
-Hey, let's catch a Tank!
Solud Snuk or Nukd Snuk.
Quintessence of studies
Inspired with this picture.
Ergo Proxy: Pino
Next to Vince, Pino is my favourite character from that anime.
Monster Hunter: Tigrex
-What you call a success?
- Killing a Tigrex.
Quote from "Success on job market" lecture.
Monster Hunter: Khezu whelp
I still wonder how those whelps looks like.
When it grows up it loses its eyes and cute smile.
Damn cute blood-sucking, screaming fucker.
An idea for a creature. Despite menacing outlook this creature leads lazy life. Generally docile, easy to tame. Some of Felisians keep them as a garden decoration. Sorta like gargoyles, it becomes active when gets hungry. The skin is solid, in texture reminds of a granite stone. Smaller than average Fogus. The tail of Unraeveller grows single segment every year. Also the back spines are source of hard mineral, used to harden weapons.
Beast's beast
Comfortable pyjama.
Homestuck: Gamzee and Eridan
Drawing from head. There was Terezi too, but she didn't even reminded her.
I'm sorry for so much inaccurate drawings.
Some abandoned character designs

Capt'n Crackers, Ivan the Healer with his dummy cat and Woman with artificial beard. The last one is a joke though.
Bonus not so Bonanza:
Last semester's Xigbars.

Plus one. [click]
I remember that I've wanted to remake Sirbar on Sai, but then I've lost the will to do so.
Last semester: A phase of drawing other things than Xigbar. Getting the lost potential back.

Cheers, mates.

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