
Monday, May 21, 2012

Notebook spam

Dear Mr. Lonely  
How much could you know me?

Promised scans from Notebooks/other study shit mentioned in previous post. Well, some will have comment, some not. It's late and I do everything in reverse to what I SHOULD be doing. Yay.
ALSO: Don't ask why student at typical Computer Science/Math subject has notebook with lines. Just. Don't.
Click on pictures to receive munny  bigger picture.
Blogger adds enters wherever it likes.

FOREVERXigbar part

(Obviously he'd laugh like cockroaches in here)

(Professional Photoshop with pen.)

 (With Creeper!SSSSSnake)

Rest of shit

 (First idea of "Dear Coffee Mug")
 (First concept of "E's Dress")

 (Legendz Stylized)
 (There was a doodle contest held by Red Bull, but thanks to Uni, I didn't participate)
 (Apparently Gatherers are jolly creatures)
 (Mathematical joke in Polish, has no sense at all)

 (Quetzalcoatl madness)

 (Taking joy from small things like Ice creams)

(Alternative Enderman from Minecraft)

Wow, you made it so far? Congratz.
(Check dem filenames.)

Cheers, mates.
Further post will have some info, for now, 'njoy fuckload of dribbles.


  1. uuuu....fiunally moje ukochane obrazky BEDO SEKSY ^^ Och tak,uwieeeelbiam ten fotoszopowy profesjonalizm :3

    1. Fotoszop Pen już dostępny w sklepach!
      Zamów swój Fotoszopkowaty długopis i fotoszopuj wszystko i wszystkich!
