
Friday, December 31, 2010

Wish you a happy new year!

Ah, yes. 
Last update this year! Lol.
Anyway, in today's post another itty-bitty-shitty sketches. And a comic about happy hours in my Dorm. Still at home, on 3th of January I'm going back to Łódź. And another month till seein' my parents and friends... Oh well. Gotta somehow survive it.

Sorry for lack of time everywhere. Especially for my mates at dA. I'm really sorry.
But for now- update time!

 Laundry time at Dorm

5 easy steps to fight with boredom and dirty clothes. Based on real events.
I think I wouldn't lend you a hand

But I can share some comic with you. 
 Character concept for a Friend.

 Drunken Master? Am I right? Nevertheless, that's for friend from my Uni. Actually it's him on a picture for your information. 
 I kinda like how it turned out. Reminds me my ol'  chara Balthazar.

 Flying high

 I lost finished version of this. I remember that I put all my heart into it... And now cannot find the work. Fuuuck. Finished work featured fully scaled dragon, earth had forest on it, and sky was finished with a lines.
Oh well.

A very old character of mine. Pineaple eating fox-squirell-dog-whatever it is. Ah the sentiment <3 Nebu, Stor, Clev and Wart. 4 characters with 4 lettered names. The great friends... Yeah... Nostalgia.

Blight Bous 

 Heh, based on a real peeps, characters that appeared in many of my comics.From left upper row: Igor, Radek, Oskar and Tomek. Listen to them >here<. Small picture is small.

And now, mates, sketch dump! A ton of small pictures:
 (Because hedgehogs with monstrous jaw are awesome )
 (A rejected idea for an id for dA profile) 

 (Got milk?)
(I often find some money on my way. I guess I have luck for small things)

 (Radamantys found his princess, lol)
 (Oh shit, it's you again.)

 (Oh, look! I'm studying in Łódź! Oh wait, there's no water at all. -Łódź means boat in English-)

Sooo, that's all for today, folks.
Have fun at your Silvester, and don't catch hangover.
Thanks for a visit~

Love you all!

Special cheers for my beloved friends:
Brandy, Zorza, Miha and Jay 
And of course for my mates from Uni! Love you too, guys!


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