
Saturday, September 8, 2012


Welp. Friday? What Friday?
Never mind.
Picture time!
Stirlitz Xigbar
Jokes about Stirlitz will never get old. If someone don't know who Stirlitz is, please go here first and then take a look in here. Stirlitz because of Polish pronunciation. I consider "Stirlitzing" some other comics, for now there is one in draft state.
Fur Fighters influenced charas

Since last post I've mentioned about how it'd be nice to have some character swapping game, I remind myself about good ol' Fur Fighters game for PC/Dreamcast/PS2. Game of my childhood! Also it'd be awesome to see some new generation of FF's with new charas co-oping with old ones. So, I grabbed pencil and sketched some ideas. Easy to tell I liked the Pelican character (he got even work name: Philip). I'm not fancy to describe'em all at the moment.
The Swampy Beast
Also a reference to last post. A sketch of beast from this picture.
Added few details and changed tis and dat.
Something smells fishy
While being on vacation in MRU, I was thinking how fishes for Felisian World could look alike. I know, sounds and looks stupid. But I love fishes. They taste good with lemon and garlic butter~
Awful face practice

First Balthazar and Cedric...
...Later Xigbar.
And from that moment I went pretty much frenzy with drawing faces. Which you can see here:
 Hey Cedric, you look nice with your ear and being scarless!
These two are random guys from another "Stirlitzed" comic. Looking from left: Paul and Franky.
(Personally I like how Franky's face turned out)
It's him again.
Don't even try to excuse yourself, Xigbar.
Even doesn't approve all this bullshit.
Because of obvious reasons.
Xigbar stalks Braig. Dat Ear.
What? E, you too?
Some Ink Braig...

And also for something at the end:
Ienzo, mah boi!
Trying out variety of lines. Also winter cloak for Ienzo.

No wonder that Braig sobs. I mean, look at the pictures- everyone looks at their right. That's sad. And pure DiZcrimination of left side.
I consider moving from blogspot to tumblr, but I'm not certain yet. Ho well.
That's all folks!

Hugs and kisses to everyone!

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