
Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hello, mates.
I got some pictures to share with you. Also wanted to write something, but my thoughts doesn't make any sense at all. Too chaotic. Still, the September Campaign only two things left. On 14th will be the biggest battle. Eh well. I don't feel good as a programmer, but still- I'mana kick ADA's ass.

From other things... Nah, instead of telling you, I'll show:
Now I know I'm retarded. I think you'll agree with me. But- Epic Xigbar mug is epic.
From other funny things happening in my life;
I have crappy interwebz connection recently, so often it looks like that:
(click on it so you can see it better)
After a while I realized, that one, simple, very small thing did my whole day. And: Jezus, Marian, ty nawet nie wiesz ile radochy mi tym sprawiłeś. Przez głowę mi by to nie przeszło. Jedno pytanie, a tyle kurde rzeczy naraz. /Also: zapomniałam o tej grze, że mamy ją dokończyć. Iksde. Jestem jak Dory z " 'Dzie jest Nemo"/

Okay, now onto main course!
 Angry Bird on Motur.
 He's going to kill you moherduckers. Just look how he drives without handling the handlebar.
 Various Style meme
Just for some fun. Lulz. Can be found here.
Psst; it's Shigenori Soejima in "Other Artist's style"

 Miha and Pikuś
 I totally forgot to put this picture in previous update. ;_;
 Also, so much variety of Pikuś's name. Even there was Penis. (I can imagine a dog with a name like that. "PENIS! COME!". Sounds pretty good to me.) My Dearest has this picture coloured.
" Dumb cat won't stop to wear my shirts."
But who wouldn't love to wear big shirt? ;_;
Concepts, concepts every time
I'm not still satisfied with the ultimate form of E. But this time, I think I've got an Idea. What will come out from it? You'll see.
It's not enough.
Demon of Warth.Still work in progress, I think I'll change this and that.
Where I belong
 A sketch for "wannabe animation" picture.

I thought about sharing it with you, since it was a small picture I attached to this commission
LOL, bonanza without Xigbar. Nah. Just kidding; I have some comics that aren't good to show up in wider public, yet I can show you some pictures from frames. Is a good idea, no?
Also this; A frame from comic, that still waits to be done.
And  sketch of a dragon, to close today's update:

And I'm spent.
See you mates in next update! I love you so much <3


1 comment:

  1. Wow,tehz itenterynety pictures mad me lough hard.

    I really wanted to play that day and on some other days but i get depressed with all the stuff. Especially with studies, I never thought i will be in such moods couse of "school". This post was one of the best's.

    Wow i like my translation of my nick to english on your messanger. Sometimes i wonder if your not only person in the world that thinks like zis: "Ah Kita, yeah he exists, and he's my friend!". Or maybe it's all fake... ?_?
