And here comes another post, with shitload of some (non)fancy stuff. Me? I'm okay, I think.
Beside the wrecked up psyche. Last month was stressful as fuck, actually now I'm laying with the face to the ground, and waiting to regenerate some energy to move on. The 2nd year starts in 4 days. Till then I'mana do fucking nothing. And maybe some lil' scribbles. Thousands of ideas, and the lim from motivation to do it, goes to minus infinity. Anyway- there. Have some stuff I did in meanwhile.
Fuga Bacha:
Po angielsku to żadnego sensu nie ma. Ale pianie jest. Łaziło za mną od strasznie długiego czasu, więc wreszcie wzięłam się i zrobiłam to. Yay.
Człowiek Człowiekowi Wilkiem
A Crash crash Crash. For that Awesome guy, who ripped the
Isn't it yours?
Poor Revu. Has no luck. Revu belongs to Onirke. (Xigbar starts to be jealous now, lul).
Fail Sapper Eclipse.
Many people died that way. An old pun.
Perverts, Perverts everywhere.
First thing: BLOGGER! Y U RESIZE PICTURES!? A reason to upload things on ImageShack.
Sad life of a Cat.
Why to Vet?
Because reminder about Vaccination against Rabies always come to her. And I want such lil' doggie like Spikey. (Again, blogger resized, reuploaded at imageshack.)
Decisions, decisions.
When someone's sleepy, the response from such person is always weird. Try asking about keys to the Tank, Xig.
I have an Idea!
We better start running.
I have an idea for a game... But- shhh. Everything is in zero point, so no need to explain it now.
And now...
I thought about sharing some lulz stuff from here.
It's viking Saix. Fuck yeah.
Master Xizibit gonna spank your ass, dawg, Strangely, this face suits Xehanort very much. Even better than Troll face.
Nomura's response after seeing that X-Theory.
...Don't let Xigbar touch the keyboard. He's going to troll your ass out from the Internets for whole month.
And look for some sexy stuff with him. Trololo.
Meanwhile in World That Never Was:
Xemnas has party with his Kingdom Hearts.
That's all for today, folks.
Love you all,