
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sounds Like A Melody

Oh dear.
For like 4 days I tried to write an update here. All thanks to connection, that breaks worse than 1 mm charcoal dropped on floor. Or glass. Or anything that's easy to break. (But now, thanks to old lil' trick I got the router finally working.)

Anyway, I'm pretty excited, oh you don't even know how I am! And a bit scared. Why?
You see- a long voyage awaits me. 8 hours. Till first bus. Then second and then on third... Makes me laugh a bit, that I switch buses, but hey! But yanno? It's like, dream came true! I'm going to see someone special <3
Ah, yes, I cannot wait. I only hope that everything will be okay.

Well, that was the most important thing that I wanted to write today. About the other matters in the in-between time of updates; there were few critical moments, but thankfully most of thing jumped on right tracks, making me really content.
But there is one thing that I learned: long time and distance makes the worst to people. Especially to close friends.
As for holiday's resolutions.. Again nothing came. I don't sleep n' I don't draw or make anything epic. Just, I guess, enjoying the moment.

That's all for today's update
Early Morning
"There's nothing old about me"
Braig gettin' old... Or Xigbar at Organization's beginning. A jak się starzeć, to z klasą.

That's all folks.
Hugs and kisses for my beloved friends~ I love you soo much.

So, Till 19th os August.
Have fun!


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