
Friday, December 31, 2010

Wish you a happy new year!

Ah, yes. 
Last update this year! Lol.
Anyway, in today's post another itty-bitty-shitty sketches. And a comic about happy hours in my Dorm. Still at home, on 3th of January I'm going back to Łódź. And another month till seein' my parents and friends... Oh well. Gotta somehow survive it.

Sorry for lack of time everywhere. Especially for my mates at dA. I'm really sorry.
But for now- update time!

 Laundry time at Dorm

5 easy steps to fight with boredom and dirty clothes. Based on real events.
I think I wouldn't lend you a hand

But I can share some comic with you. 
 Character concept for a Friend.

 Drunken Master? Am I right? Nevertheless, that's for friend from my Uni. Actually it's him on a picture for your information. 
 I kinda like how it turned out. Reminds me my ol'  chara Balthazar.

 Flying high

 I lost finished version of this. I remember that I put all my heart into it... And now cannot find the work. Fuuuck. Finished work featured fully scaled dragon, earth had forest on it, and sky was finished with a lines.
Oh well.

A very old character of mine. Pineaple eating fox-squirell-dog-whatever it is. Ah the sentiment <3 Nebu, Stor, Clev and Wart. 4 characters with 4 lettered names. The great friends... Yeah... Nostalgia.

Blight Bous 

 Heh, based on a real peeps, characters that appeared in many of my comics.From left upper row: Igor, Radek, Oskar and Tomek. Listen to them >here<. Small picture is small.

And now, mates, sketch dump! A ton of small pictures:
 (Because hedgehogs with monstrous jaw are awesome )
 (A rejected idea for an id for dA profile) 

 (Got milk?)
(I often find some money on my way. I guess I have luck for small things)

 (Radamantys found his princess, lol)
 (Oh shit, it's you again.)

 (Oh, look! I'm studying in Łódź! Oh wait, there's no water at all. -Łódź means boat in English-)

Sooo, that's all for today, folks.
Have fun at your Silvester, and don't catch hangover.
Thanks for a visit~

Love you all!

Special cheers for my beloved friends:
Brandy, Zorza, Miha and Jay 
And of course for my mates from Uni! Love you too, guys!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Something fresh for you, mates.

Sorry, for keeping you waiting. And not keeping with schedule. Almost a month since last update. You probably think that I produced a lot of works and stuff... But sadly I have to say that I didn't. I was busy... With studies (oh my, I cannot believe this, a student who actually learns!).
Anyway, I caught a two week long art-block, I felt like shit, and wanted to bury myself alive. 
But it is all okay now. Got fringe long enough so, that means only that my home awaits for me. 3 days left till homecoming, Christmas atmosphere is in air, and I can't wait to see my parents and friends~  

And I friggin' love winter! And p-chating with Miha. And I'll finally see with my Zorza (I miss you so much, darlin')
Damn right!

So... Shall we? Onto the update~

Breaking thru\GlassRunner (lol, should be "GlassRuiner")

Well, to tell you the truth, now I don't know if it's either glass or ice. Don't know if she's falling or jumping on viewer. Depends only from your imagination. (Although I like the version that's miss E is falling through broken window, but surely she will do some counter attack in a moment).


Glass runner without bg

Since I like version without background more. And glass looks more like glass. Or ice. Or dunno. (Friend of mine, tries to tell me that it IS ice. And E should have a flaming sword, instead of that ordinary piece of junk she's keepin')


Something normal. Plus dandelions.

Or not, since I'm always drawing some weird stuff. The idea of this picture was following me for week. And I like it. It turned out quite nice. Besides that anatomical fails, and other things that don't need to be mentioned. Because they're -obvious-.


Demon days

I guess everyone has them. Pencil preset that I made in Macromedia FireWorks. Looks scruffy.


Dumb & Dumber.

Erm, yes, the title. You know what to do about it. 
 I guess that Dilan is the one who wields spear in this relationship, lulz  Uh, never mind.


Thin runner

Alternative vision of Tweek from Fur Fighters video game.
I have to get Fur Fighters on my laptop. Definitely, since I miss playing with Tweek and Bungalow. And music. And everything. 


Oh no, not you again.

Now think If I refereed to Eclipse or that monstrous thing behind her. (Hint: Yes, it's Eclipse). Ballpen looking sketch. Another of FireWorks amazing brush. Yay.


Practice, practice, practice.

To make her look like woman! >:I
+10 points to my failness, lul.


Mała Jędza (Little Ienzo)
So young, yet coffee addict. I found it between junk. 


 This is how I look after 3 days without sleeping
Trying to concentrate on something with a misery. I thought about making it my new avatar on dA... But I like my old one. I haven't changed it for like 3 years. Oh well.


I negate you

Favourite activity at our University? Negating everything with "no". Even ourselves. Kinda weird taste of humour, but we enjoy it. Along with jokes about ADA and algebra.



Although I know that it is in Polish... Use translator! Don't be lazy! Lulz. Anyway, that's one comic from a notebook which was full of them. I gave the notebook to my friend, Igor (had personal reasons). Most of my friends told me that I should publish them, since they found my comic hilarious. 

Who knows... Maybe one day, you'll be able to read them all...?


And something delicious for an end:
Materrix. A new film from Wachowski brothers and Tetsuya Nomura

I did this today. From completely boredom. Watch out for Braig headed bullets.
Feel free to spread the lulz.

That's all for this update. I'm thinking about uploading "GlassRunner" and "Something normal. With dandelions" at deviantArt.
...Sorry for so many arts with E within it. I guess that's my bad habit of drawing her so much ._.'

So... Cheers, mates!
Merry Christmas to all of you~ (Since, I don't know when next up would be, so, just in case).

Love you too <3